We are waiting for you in Kecskemét, Hungary from Wednesday 31 July 2024 to Sunday 4 August 2024 with international teachers and 4 days of incredible concerts!
For Jazz Capital information click here!

A dance camp for Lindy hop & Solo Jazz lovers, co-organised with the Jazz Capital!

You can find all information about the dance camp on this website. What you can buy from us: dance camp passes, Jazz Capital pass, lunch & dinner. And you can submit your accommodation request, which will be forwarded to the accommodation and you will be contacted to pay for your booking.

A dance camp for Lindy hop & Solo Jazz lovers, co-organised with the Jazz Capital!

You can find all information about the dance camp on this website. What you can buy from us: dance camp passes, Jazz Capital pass, lunch & dinner. And you can submit your accommodation request, which will be forwarded to the accommodation and you will be contacted to pay for your booking.

Lindy hop & Solo Jazz classes on 3 levels

6 truly inspiring international instructors 

jazz concerts & swing parties at the Jazz Capital Festival


Who can inspire you!

Victor Hristoskov

Focení lektorů SW 8.9.2021 | David Poul | www.davidpoul.cz

Janča Měchurová


Peter Kertz


Jenna Applegarth

Prague Swing Xmax Xchange 11.12.2022 | Fotograf David Poul | www.davidpoul.cz

Nóra Ágoston


Jure Rus


Lindy hop & Solo Jazz groups can accommodate up to 24 registrations per level. The classes start with an audition, where the teachers assess the level of the dancers and divide them into groups. By registering, you agree that the level you indicated during registration may be overridden by the teachers during the audition and you will join the group recommended by the teachers. In case of more registration, we reserve the right to start 4 groups. In this case we will sort the dancers into 4 groups during the audition. Remember that the language of instruction is English!








    A Jazzfőváros programnaptárban találod a koncert időpontokat. A koncertek helyszínén lesz lehetőség táncolni! / Check the Jazz Capital calendar for concert dates. You will be able to dance at the concert venues!

  • Taste of Swing


    helyszín: Fesztivál helyszín, teljesen kezdőknek! / venue: festival venue, completely beginner friendly!

The venues of the classes are covered with matt cold tiles. The Jazz Capital concerts will be held in marquees and outdoors. The marquees will have wooden floors. You can dance on concrete pavement at the beach and on grass in front of the truck. In case of rain, the festival programme will be held in the marquees.

Location of classes & meals may change! We reserve the right to change the program and location. 


If you can't decide which level is yours, contact us!

You've been dancing Lindy Hop for at least 6 months, you regularly attend classes, you participate in social dance events, you've taken part in some local workshops. This may not even be your first international event. You are comfortable mixing basic rhythms: groove walks, charleston, triple step. You dance easily to different tempos: 120-180 bpm. You want to learn new moves but still feel the need to improve your technique.

You've been dancing Lindy Hop for at least 12 months - regularly attending classes, social dance events, local and international workshops. You dance to different tempos: 110 - 200 bpm, use different rhythms, patterns and create your own variations. You've probably tried other swing dances like Balboa, Blues or Shag, but you're still hungry for knowledge and alternative ideas to improve your dancing skills.

This is the level where you turn off "autopilot" and get creative with your dancing. Eventually, whatever tempo you dance to - super slow or extra fast - doesn't matter. You dance lots of different variations and get very comfortable with the basics, and now you're trying to explore more of the musicality, changing the movements and rhythms with the flow. You feel it's time to dive deeper into your dance technique - finding new ways to connect, switching roles, working on quality rather than learning new figures.

You have been dancing Solo Authentic Jazz / Solo Charleston for at least 6 months (maybe 2-3 months if you have danced Lindy Hop before). 

You have been dancing Solo Authentic Jazz / Solo Charleston for at least 12 months (possibly 6 months if you have danced Lindy Hop before). You know the Shim Sham Routine and basic Authentic Jazz elements such as Suzy Q, Fall of the Log.

You know the Shim sham routine backwards and forwards. You've learned the Tranky Doo, Big Apple routines or at least know the solo jazz steps in them 😉  You're comfortable in your body and don't need a dance partner to hit the dance floor during the party. The solo jam rounds seem to pull you along, but at the same time you feel more and more the need to work on your movement quality and body awareness.



dance classes & lunches venue

6000 Kecskemét, Izsáki út 10.

Festival venue

venue for concerts & parties & taster classes

6000 Kecskemét, Csabay Géza krt. 5.

Hotel Három Gúnár


6000 Kecskemét, Batthyány u.1-7.

University - Festival venue - 15 minutes on foot / 4 minutes by bike / 5 minutes by car

University - Hotel Három Gúnár - 30 min on foot / 8 min by bike / 8 min by car

Festival Venue - Hotel Three Goose - 40 min on foot / 10 min by bike / 10 min by car


During the registration process you can reserve your accommodation as well , where you can specify what kind of room you want (single bed or double bed, 1 or 2 persons). For double occupancy, you will also need to provide the name of your roommate.

If we are able to secure your reservation, we will forward your request to Hotel Három Gúnár, who will take care of the reservation (you will be able to pay with them and they will also inform you about the payment options). You can only make a reservation at Hotel Három Gúnár through us. 

If we are not able to provide you with the room you have registered for, we will contact you to discuss your accommodation needs. Please see below for room rates.

Prices include breakfast but exclude tourist tax.


Superior or Superior Manzard


single bed
double bed
single bed or double bed
single bed
double bed
single bed or double bed


2 person
2 person
1 person
2 person
2 person
1 person


13 500 HUF
13 500 HUF
21 000 HUF
18 500 HUF
18 500 HUF
31 000 HUF


54 000 HUF
54 000 HUF
84 000 HUF
74 000 HUF
74 000 HUF
124 000 HUF



Superior or Superior Manzard

13 500 HUF person / night
54 000 HUF / person / 4 nights
single bed / 2 persons
number of available rooms: 0


13 500 HUF person / night
54 000 HUF / person / 4 nights
double bed / 2 persons
number of available rooms: 0


21 000 HUF person / night
84 000 HUF / person / 4 nights
single bed or double bed / 1 person
number of available rooms: 0


18 500 HUF person / night
74 000 HUF / person / 4 nights
single bed / 2 persons
number of available rooms: 5


18 500 HUF person / night
74 000 HUF / person / 4 nights
double bed / 2 persons
number of available rooms: 7


31 000 HUF person / night
124 000 HUF / person / 4 nights
single bed or double bed / 1 person
number of available rooms: 12


Meals are provided exclusively for camp participants and are subject to pre-registration, i.e. pre-ordering. If you miss to do it, you will not be able to request a meal on the spot!


Wednesday 31 July
Thursday 1 August
Friday 2 August
Saturday 3 August
Sunday 4 August






Lunch consists of soup and main course.
Dinner consists of a main course and dessert.
Vegetarian and normal (with meat) meals are available.
1 meal - 2 600 HUF
all meals (3 lunches, 4 dinners) - 18 200 HUF

Available meals

Wednesday 31 July 2024 / dinner
Thursday 1 August 2024 / lunch & dinner
Friday 2 August 2024 / lunch & dinner
Saturday 3 August 2024 / lunch & dinner
Sunday 3 August 2024 / no meals available


Lunch consists of soup and main course.
Dinner consists of a main course and dessert.
Vegetarian and normal (with meat) meals are available.
1 meal - 2 600 HUF
all meals (3 lunches, 4 dinners) - 18 200 HUF


All passes (Full Pass, Lindy hop Track, Solo Jazz Track) include the Jazz Capital Festival entry for 4 days, but not accommodation and meals. Without a festival pass you will not be able to enter the venue! If you already have a Jazz Festival Pass, you do not need to purchase it. Below the pass price, you will see the price of the pass without the jazz festival pass marked with an asterisk in the last row.


78 000 HUF*
200 EUR
6X60 min Lindy hop classes
3x90 min Solo Jazz classes
Jazz Capital Festival 4-days pass (August 1-4.)
*If you already have a Jazz Capital Festival pass the price is 63 000 HUF / 165 EUR.


57 000 HUF**
140 EUR
6X60 min Lindy hop classes
Jazz Capital Festival 4-days pass (August 1-4.)
**If you already have a Jazz Capital Festival pass the price is 42 000 HUF / 105 EUR.


46 500 HUF***
120 EUR
3x90 min Solo Jazz classes
Jazz Capital Festival 4-days pass (August 1-4.)
***If you already have a Jazz Capital Festival pass the price is 31 500 HUF / 85 EUR.

CATERING (lunch & dinner)

2 600 HUF / meal
7 EUR / meal
3 lunches (soup + main dish), 4 dinners (main course + dessert)
Both vegetarian and normal (with meat) meals will be available.
Július 31-én vacsorával kezdünk & augusztus 3-án vacsora lesz az utolsó étkezés.
Breakfast cannot be ordered here, however if you book accomodation in Hotel Három Gúnár, the price of the room includes the breakfast as well.


By registering and/or participating (by attending the event), you accept the general terms and conditions of the Pepita Dance Association (hereinafter: Association), which include the general rules of participation, payment rules and the rules of conduct of the event.

If you do not receive a confirmation letter within 5 days of registration, please email us at regisztracio@pepitasummerswing.hu 

  1. You participate in our events at your own risk. You are responsible for your own safety and physical safety. Take care of yourself and other participants! The Association, the organisers, the volunteers working at the event (hereinafter "organisers") are not responsible for any injury or damage to persons or property.
  2. Lost & found. Lost and found items during the event will be held for two weeks following the event. If you have lost something, please inform the organisers. Lost items will be deposited at the Jazz Capital Festival check-in desk during the event and you can pick them up there.
  3. Check-in rules. The first step in your participation in the event is check-in, during which we will check your registration and the services you have purchased (classes, concerts, festival pass, meals, accommodation, merchandise, etc.). You will not be able to participate in the event without check-in. At check-in you will receive your wristband(s), which will act as your ticket. 
  4. Rules for wearing a wristband. To help you check in to your event and control your participation in programmes, you will be issued with wristband(s) during the check-in process. You must wear the wristband(s) during the event. The wristband serves as your access card to classes and the festival. If you do not wear your wristband the organisers may refuse you entry to the event. If you damage or lose your wristband, please contact the organisers so that we can replace it for you. 
  5. Vis maior. The Association cannot be held responsible for events beyond its control, such as (but not limited to) airport strikes, cancelled flights, teacher illnesses, road closures or other unforeseen circumstances. The Association shall not be liable for any direct or indirect damage resulting from such circumstances. We understand the impact that these external circumstances may have, so we will ensure that every effort is made to communicate any resulting changes promptly and will do our utmost to ensure that participants have the best possible experience, even in the face of such situations.
  6. Privacy policy. When you register, you will be asked to provide accurate personal information and you consent to us using that information to provide the services you request in accordance with our Privacy Policy.
  7. Media sharing. While we encourage you to capture and share the best moments of the camp, please be respectful of the privacy of others and ask for explicit consent before sharing any sensitive audio recordings or photos. Please note that any photo, audio or video recording of the event requires the express permission of the person who made the recording, and therefore other participants and the association have the right to request the removal of any content you share on social media or other platforms that is objected to by any participant.
  8. Terms of use. If the event is filmed, recorded or videotaped by or on behalf of the organisers, and you may appear on the video or audio recording, you may not make any claim against the organisers or the producers of the recording. You further acknowledge that the recordings may be broadcast online and by other means nationally and internationally, or published in print or online media or on the web. The Association and the Jazz Capital Festival are entitled to use the recordings in accordance with the law, at their own discretion, including use for the protection of the safety of persons and property, and disclosure to public authorities or other interested parties for such purposes.
  9. Meals. If meals are available at the event, please note when registering for meals that we cannot guarantee that all individual dietary requirements will be catered for. Participants with special dietary needs are advised to provide their own meals.
  10. Health and medical information. It is your responsibility to disclose any relevant medical conditions, allergies or health problems that may affect your participation in the event. It is recommended that you inform the organisers in advance. 
  11. It is forbidden to bring any dangerous objects (in particular: clubs, cutting and pyrotechnic devices) into our events. If you break this rule, the organisers may confiscate the prohibited object and/or, if necessary, restrict your participation in the event or ban you from the event without refund. 
  12. The Association and the organisers reserve the right to change any element of the event programme.
  1. A rendezvényen való részvételhez regisztráció szükséges. 
  2. A regisztráció során megválaszthatod a kommunikáció nyelvét, mely lehet magyar vagy angol. Amelyik nyelvet választod a későbbiekben azon a nyelven kommunikálunk veled. 
  3. Regisztráció során a Te felelősséged, hogy adataidat megfelelően add meg nekünk. 
  4. Párral és pár nélkül is tudsz regisztrálni, amennyiben pár nélkül regisztrálsz várólistára kerülhetsz a vezető-követő arányok megtartása érdekében. 
  5. Ha partnerrel regisztrálsz, akkor tudjuk jóváhagyni a regisztrációdat, ha a partenered is regisztrál Téged megjelölve partnernek és mindketten azonos szintet jelöltök meg a regisztráció során. 
  1. Discount code. If the organisers offer a discount that can be linked to the use of a code, you can claim the discount by entering the discount code(s) during registration. Such a discount can be e.g. group discount, discount offered by ambassador, etc. If you do not provide the code during registration, you accept that we cannot offer the discount associated with the code. It is not possible to replace the code afterwards.
  2. The discount is linked to the number of items. Certain discounts will be extended by the organisers to the first x number of registrations received after registration opens, indicating which package or pass is eligible for the discount. Registrations will receive the discount on a first-come, first-served basis. 
  3. Different discounts cannot be combined.
  1. During registration you can choose to pay in HUF or EUR. You will not be able to change this once you have registered, so please choose your currency accordingly. 
  2. Please note that prices in HUF and EUR are set in advance, during which the organisers are free to set the pass price in both HUF and EUR. These prices are not subject to exchange rate fluctuations and the organisers may use rounding when setting the pass prices in different currencies, which you accept by registering and agree not to make any claim against the Association in this regard.
  1. All information about payment will be sent to you in your registration letter. In the letter, we will summarise what you have registered for, how much you have to pay, how you can pay and provide you with all the details you need to pay.
  2. If you don't pay by the deadline we will cancel your registration. 
  3. We will inform you about the payment method in the registration letter. Currently you can pay your participation fee by bank transfer. No other payment method is accepted. For further details, please see our registration reply letter. 
  4. If you choose HUF you can transfer to a HUF account, if you choose EUR you can transfer to a EUR account. 
  5. In the registration letter, we will send you instructions on what to include in the transfer communication. An ID code and text may be included in the message we specify, which is used to uniquely identify your registration. If you do not include this message when you make a transfer, you accept the consequences of our inability to identify your transfer and any consequences that may result.
  1. If you decide to cancel your registration, you agree that we will not refund any payments you have made. In this case, you can transfer your purchased ticket or pass to another person, but only under the same conditions as you purchased it. If you have registered as a leader you can only transfer your pass to a leader role, if you have registered as a follower you can only transfer your pass to a follower role and you cannot change the level you have chosen. 
  2. The transfer of tickets between individuals requires the consent of the organisers. Please send an email stating your intention to sell your pass and include the buyer in CC in the correspondence. 
  3. If you suffer an injury that prevents you from attending the event, please contact us before the event and if you can provide a medical certificate that you are unable to dance, we will refund your entry fee after deducting 10% of the treatment costs. 
  4. If, for any reason, the event is cancelled before the event time, payments will be refunded to the registrants after deduction of a 10% handling fee, provided that the necessary details for the refund are provided to us within the given deadline during the data reconciliation. If you fail to meet the deadline, you agree that the Association will not refund you. 
  5. If the event is partially cancelled, i.e. the organisers start the event, but for reasons beyond their control the event cannot be completed, you agree by registering that you will not be entitled to a refund.
  1. You and the participants are expected to respect other participants, teachers, organisers and artists. We ask you to contribute to a safe and friendly environment for all through your behaviour and communication. 
  2. By registering, you agree that failure to comply with our rules of conduct may result in a warning, exclusion from the event (without refund), and exclusion from future events.
  3. The Association is committed to providing a safe environment & experience for everyone at the event, regardless of gender, age, sexual orientation, ability, physical appearance, body size, race or religion (or lack thereof). We will not tolerate harassment of any kind of event participants. 
  4. We expect cooperation from all participants to ensure a safe environment for all.
  5. Please refrain from any activity that may disrupt, interfere with or disrupt the event, or that may violate the personal rights of participants or damage their property. Please also refrain from racist or hateful behaviour, or behaviour that frightens or outrages others. Please avoid ethnic, religious, political, sexual, or any other discrimination against others, or topics related to current political issues and activities. If you engage in such behaviour and are asked to stop by the organisers, you are expected to comply immediately. If you do not comply, the organisers may take any action they deem appropriate, in particular exclusion from the event without refund. 
  6. Harassment of others is prohibited at the event! Harassment includes offensive verbal comments regarding gender, age, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, religion, sexual images in public places, intentional intimidation, stalking, stalking, harassing photography or recording, persistent disruption of the event, inappropriate physical contact, and unwanted sexual attention. Participants who are asked to stop harassing behaviour are expected to comply immediately. If they do not comply, the organisers of the event may take any action they deem appropriate, in particular exclusion from the event without refund. 
  7. If you are being harassed, if you notice someone else being harassed or if you have any other concerns, please contact the event organisers immediately.
  8. You acknowledge that you must comply with local laws and regulations regarding alcohol and drug use while participating. Any participant found to be in violation may be excluded from the event without refund.
  1. In dance classes, we dance in pairs. When registering, everyone indicates whether they want to be a leader or follower. Usually leaders are male and followers are female, but you will often find dancers dancing both roles at our events. 
  2. Maintain good personal hygiene! Bring deodorant, use mints and shower before dancing. Always bring a spare t-shirt or two. If you sneeze or cough - put it in your arm, not your hand. Use hand sanitiser and wash your hands several times.
  3. Kindness is the key!  Is the song overl? Thank your partner for the dance. You can give a warm smile, a hug or a simple high five to show how much you appreciate the experience. Respect the boundaries of others!
  4. Everyone has the right to say no to a dance. This can be for any reason. In most cases the reason is not personal. In case you say no, remember to do it politely.
  5. Are you having fun? Smile! Maintain eye contact while dancing. Be restrained - constant eye contact can feel creepy and a complete lack of eye contact can feel impersonal.
  6. With the exception of jam circles and performances, there is absolutely NO ACROBATICS on the dance floor! In crowded venues, performing such moves is dangerous for both the participants and those around them. 
  7. Accidentally kicked or hit someone while dancing? Apologise, accidents happen! If someone is consistently dancing in a dangerous way, bring it to their attention or tell the organisers.
  8. Avoid wearing spike heels or dancing barefoot, protect yourself and those around you.
  9. Personal space: protect your own and respect others'! 
  10. We are all at the event to have fun! Have fun and do your best to make the evening fun for others!

Contact us by email or (during the event) in person. You can also contact our Safe Space team in person at the event, they will be happy to help you! You can contact any of our organizers, but these people have been carefully selected to deal with any questions, feedback or announcements. 

Safe Space Team: dr. Hibály Mónika, Muka Viktória, Polacsek Roland, Mészáros Krisztina

Thank you!


Pepita Tánc Egyesület adatai egy helyen!

name: Pepita Tánc és Rekreációs Egyesület

location: 1149 Budapest, Egressy út 152. fsz. 4. a.

VAT number: 18599646-1-42

EU VAT number: HU18599646

registration number: 01-02-0015455

bank: Magnet Magyar Közösségi Bank Zrt.

bank account (HUF): 16200223-10027563

IBAN: HU56 1620 0223 1002 7563 0000 0000


bank account EUR (IBAN): HU60 1620 0223 1016 3610 0000 0000

name: Pepita Tánc és Rekreációs Egyesület

location: 1149 Budapest, Egressy út 152. fsz. 4. a.

VAT number: 18599646-1-42

EU VAT number: HU18599646

registration number: 01-02-0015455

bank: Magnet Magyar Közösségi Bank Zrt.

bank account (HUF): 16200223-10027563

IBAN: HU56 1620 0223 1002 7563 0000 0000


bank account EUR (IBAN): HU60 1620 0223 1016 3610 0000 0000


Instrumental & vocal training in jazz music.


4-day classical jazz festival August 1-4, 2024

Contact us!

If you have any questions, please contact us via the contact form. We promise we will get back to you shortly!